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SMC UK発コメント


Judith Willetts

CEO, British Society for Immunology
英国免疫学会 会長


“This year’s Nobel Laureates for Medicine are three mould-breaking immunologists. The work of Bruce Beutler, Jules Hoffmann and Ralph Steinman has given us a vital understanding into our bodies’ immune system and how it enables us to fight infection and disease. Their work in innate and adaptive immunity has allowed many others working in the field to develop new preventions and therapies in the fight against infections, cancer and other diseases.



“The recognition by the Nobel Committee of the work of Bruce Beutler & Jules Hoffmann, for their work in Toll-like receptors (TLRs), and Ralph Steinman for his discovery of the dendritic cell, is enormously important for the discipline of immunology as a whole, as these discoveries have helped to interconnect and consolidate key aspects of immune function – namely the function of innate and adaptive immune systems.



“In identifying a receptor (TLR4) on immune cells that responds specifically to a unique bacterial product (lipopolysaccharide or LPS), Beutler and Hoffmann started the work of uncovering the specific mechanisms that underlie the “hard wired” innate immune system that is able to respond quickly to a range of infective microorganisms without prior exposure.



“In identifying the dendritic cell, Ralph Steinman uncovered a key aspect of adaptive immunity, as these cells form an important part of the body’s infection surveillance system – gathering-up molecules from different parts of the body and ‘presenting’ them to effector cells of the adaptive immune system – thereby connecting identification with response.



“A further dimension to both sets of researchers’ work is provided with the realisation that dendritic cells also possess TLRs – and this allows these cells to form an important bridge between innate and adaptive immunity. Dendritic cells may be activated via their TLRs, allowing innate signalling to initiate a more specific adaptive immune response.”



Dr Mark Downs FSB

Chief Executive of the Society of Biology
英国・生物学会 会長

“Understanding how the immune system works is essential for the treatment and prevention of diseases. The discoveries of these three Nobel Laureates is an excellent example of the impact we all get from investment in basic research, illustrating the benefits of understanding basic processes in the body and how long term they can impact clinical outcomes.”



SMC カナダ発コメント


Tania Watts

Ph.D., Department of Immunology, University of Toronto
カナダ・トロント大学 免疫学研究室

Tel: (416) 978-4551
E-mail: tania.watts@utoronto.ca


Q: Dr. Steinman was co-awarded with the Nobel Prize in Medicine this year. What discovery lead to this highly prestigious distinction?

Q: スタインマン教授は今年のノーベル医学生理学賞の受賞者です。彼はどんな発見により、この栄誉有る賞を得たのですか?


A: In 1973, Dr. Steinman discovered a new cell type, the dendritic cells. These cells are found scattered throughout the tissues of our body, and act as sentinels of the immune system to sense when an infection is present.

A: 「スタインマン教授は73年、樹状細胞と言う新しい細胞を発見しました。この細胞は私たちの全身に散らばっていて、免疫システムの監視役として、細菌などの異物が現れたときにそれを認識します。」


Dendritic cells are also critical "decision making" cells that decide whether there is indeed an infection and if the adaptive immune system should be turned on to fight it, or whether what is present is an innocuous threat and should be ignored.



Dr. Steinman's team also determined how to isolate these important cells, grow them out in the laboratory, and use them to induce immunity. The implications of this finding provided a fundamental insight into what controls the initiation of immune responses. Moreover, it showed that targeting an immunization to deliver it to dendritic cells enhances the efficacy of vaccination.



This work is already being tested in a number of cancer vaccine approaches, including the first licensed cell-based cancer vaccine, Provenge, for the treatment of prostate cancer. This therapeutic vaccine boosts the immune system to fight disease. It involves taking the patient’s own dendritic cells, modifying them with a tumor antigen commonly expressed by prostate cancer cells and  reinfusing the patients' own modified dendritic cells to  trigger the immune system to fight the cancer.



Understanding dendritic cells is also important in understanding how to prevent an unwanted immune response, such as those occurring in autoimmune diseases.



Q: Dr. Steinman did not have a chance to celebrate his Nobel Prize, as he passed away last week. You have met this great scientist, what can you tell us about him?



A: I had the chance to meet Dr. Steinman several times in the context of conferences, but  also when he acted as a voluntary scientific advisor for the Canadian Network for Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics (CANVAC); he generously gave his time to advise us on our research projects and my own research personally benefited from his sage advice. He was a great human being as well as a great scientist and he will be sincerely missed.





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