





妊婦のマクロマイド系抗生物質服用で子どもの脳性麻痺などが増加する、との発表: 海外専門家コメント

イギリスの研究グループは、妊娠中の抗生物質服用と生まれた子どもの脳性麻痺、てんかんとの関連を疫学的な手法で調査し、結果を発表しました。論文は25日付けのPLOS ONEに掲載。この件についての海外専門家コメントをお送りします。


Wilhelmine Hadler Meeraus et al.’Association between Antibiotic Prescribing in Pregnancy and Cerebral Palsy or Epilepsy in Children Born at Term: A Cohort Study Using The Health Improvement Network’,  PLoS ONE 10(3): e0122034. 

Prof. Marian Knight

NIHR Professor of Maternal and Child Population Health, University of Oxford



“Women can be reassured that taking antibiotics in pregnancy does not appear to be associated with cerebral palsy or epilepsy in their children.

“This study included a secondary comparison of antibiotic types, which appears to suggest a possible increased number of children with cerebral palsy or epilepsy amongst women prescribed macrolide antibiotics (such as erythromycin) in pregnancy compared with women prescribed penicillin. However, the study cannot determine whether it is the underlying infection or the antibiotic that may be responsible for the association. In addition, the group of women prescribed erythromycin is likely to be different from those prescribed penicillin in ways not able to be identified in a study like this. In particular, as the authors acknowledge, we know that erythromycin has side effects, which might make women stop taking it, and hence their foetus might be exposed to infection for longer than the foetuses of women who are prescribed penicillin. There may thus be other explanations for their findings.

“The study does not add substantially to the information already known from the ORACLE trial (Kenyon S, Pike K, Jones DR, Brocklehurst P, Marlow N, Salt A, et al. 'Childhood outcomes after prescription of antibiotics to pregnant women with spontaneous preterm labour: 7-year follow-up of the ORACLE II trial'. Lancet. 2008;372: 1319-1327). In that trial, women with premature labour whose waters had not broken, who were treated with erythromycin, had an associated increase in cerebral palsy in their children compared with women who had no antibiotics. Women treated with a penicillin had a similar increase. In both groups the number of children affected was small.

“The messages to women, their doctors and midwives should remain unchanged from that of the ORACLE trial, i.e. that antibiotics are not advisable in pregnancy in the absence of overt signs of infection. However, it is clear that infections in pregnancy are an important cause of maternal and infant death and severe illness.  It is vital that pregnant women with signs of severe infection are seen without delay by senior staff and receive antibiotics, if needed, quickly. The antibiotics chosen should be the most appropriate to treat each individual woman’s infection.”


Prof. Sir David Spiegelhalter

Winton Professor of the Public Understanding of Risk, University of Cambridge



“This study demonstrates the value of a good clinical data-base, which allowed an apparent association between antibiotics given to pregnant women and cerebral palsy or epilepsy in their babies to be reassuringly explained away – there was no difference in the overall incidence of cerebral palsy or epilepsy in babies of women who didn’t take any antibiotics, and of women who did take an antibiotic.  However the authors point out the possible increased risks from macrolides, and this suggests further investigation, although this class accounted for less than 7% of antibiotics prescribed.”




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