







アメリカの研究グループが 、マウスを対象にしたミトコンドリアのゲノム編集についての研究成果を発表しました。論文では、ミトコンドリア病の遺伝子をもつミトコンドリアのみを排除する技術を確立したとしています。論文は23日付けのCellに掲載。この件についての海外専門家コメントをお送りします。



Reddy, P.  et al., (2015). Selective Elimination of Mitochondrial Mutations in the Germline by Genome Editing. Cell, 161(3), 459-469.




Prof Doug Turnbull

Professor of Neurology, University of Newcastle



“It is very important that there are an increasing number of options that may be available for women who carry disease causing mitochondrial DNA mutations. These are very elegant and exciting studies which use gene editing techniques to remove the abnormal mitochondrial DNA whilst leaving the normal mitochondrial DNA. This technique,
however, maybe be of limited value for those women whose oocytes have either large amounts of mutated mitochondrial DNA or all mutated mitochondrial DNA. It is these women who are most likely to benefit from mitochondrial donation.”


Prof Bruce Whitelaw

Professor of Animal Biotechnology at the Roslin Institute, University of Edinburgh



“The paper from the Belmonte lab is an example of how the genome editing technology world is expanding. Genome editors are capable of site-specific introduction or correction of mutations. In this paper, genome editing is successfully used to reduce mitochondrial mutations in mice, with the implication that a similar strategy could be used in humans.
 “The authors present this as an alternative to the much debated mitochondrial replacement method. It would be technically simpler and not require donor mitochondria, thereby circumventing the ‘three parent’ aspect, but how specific and efficient are the genome editing tools – indeed how specific and efficient do we need them to be.
 “Genome editing technology has been embraced by both the academic and commercial sectors worldwide with technological advances emerging on a continuous basis, ever broadening the range of potential applications. Today genome editor technology is not robust enough for all applications – tomorrow they may well be. This paper reinforces the call for society to engage with the very rapid advance of the genome editing ‘revolution’. This is a new era for biology; an era offering many benefits to medicine, agriculture and the environment. It is not that genome editing technology will necessarily open up new areas for debate (using technology to mitigate mitochondria disease is not new), rather there will be both more diverse and many more applications, with the potential to reach through to most people on our planet. There is an urgent need for transparent dialogue between the kaleidoscope of societal stakeholders to ensure the beneficial development of genome editing technology can follow a prudent path.”


Prof Frances Flinter

Consultant in Clinical Genetics, Guy’s & St Thomas Hospital



“The suggestion that there might be an alternative way to prevent the transmission of maternally inherited mitochondrial disorders is interesting. Scientists in many institutions are studying technology that will allow editing of the genome to remove unwanted deleterious mutations for a number of inherited disorders, but there are still many unanswered questions. To date there are considerably more safety data available for mitochondrial replacement therapies than for genome editing, which has only been described more recently. The biggest question to address will be the possibility that DNA cutting enzymes may disrupt adjacent genes that are important, leading to unintended adverse consequences. As the authors acknowledge, there will need to be much more work done to establish the safety and efficacy of this technique before any clinical trials can begin.”


Dr Dusko Ilic

Reader in Stem Cell Science, King's College London



“Although this clever alternative approach for correcting genetic errors in mitochondria is a technical masterpiece, it is unlikely to make to clinic in the near future. Replacing faulty genes in human preimplantation embryos, germ cells or gametes posts serious risks and, with all ethical and especially safety implication, the therapeutic benefits are questionable.”





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