






「中枢神経系に作用する薬(向精神薬)を長期間用いるのは、効果的なのか、害の方が多いのか」との論争に対して、3人の専門家が意見を発表しました。デンマークのGotzsche教授は、「すべての抗うつ薬、ADHD治療薬、認知症治療薬の使用やめ、抗精神病薬およびベンゾジアゼピン(抗不安薬)のみを処方すべき」と主張しています。さらに、「新薬の治験の際にはデメリットが過小評価され、メリットが過大評価されている。薬剤の効果が正確に評価されているかどうかは疑わしい」ともしています。一方、残る2人のイギリスの専門家はこれに反論し、「向精神薬の有効性と安全性は厳密に検証されており、デメリットよりもメリットが大きい」と主張しています。記事は、5月13日にThe BMJにて掲載されました。



Peter C Gotzsche, et al., Does long term use of psychiatric drugs cause more harm than good?, BMJ 2015; 350 doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmj.h2435




Dr Doug Brown, Director of Research and Development

 Alzheimer’s Society




In his article, Professor Gotzsche suggests dropping all “dementia drugs”. In 2010, Alzheimer’s Society campaigned hard for NICE to approve drugs such as Aricept for people with Alzheimer’s disease. Since then, these drugs have been shown to provide real benefits for many people living with dementia, providing help with daily living.

The use of anti-psychotic drugs on the other hand is an outdated way to treat symptoms of dementia like aggression. Although we appreciate these drugs are important for a minority of people with dementia, they can leave people heavily sedated, damage their quality of life and even lead to death and should only be used as a last resort.

We welcome a debate on drugs, but we need to ensure that those drugs working well for people with dementia remain available to all who so desperately need them.


Dr Simon Ridley, Head of Research

Alzheimer’s Research UK




“This important debate focuses on a wide range of drugs used for numerous conditions, but it is very difficult to generalise about the relative benefits and drawbacks of such a large number of varied treatments.

“The dangers of long-term use of antipsychotic drugs for symptoms of aggression and agitation in dementia were highlighted in an Alzheimer’s Research UK-funded study in 2009, and since then moves have been made to reduce their use. Antipsychotics may be prescribed in the short term to help with agitation, an extremely challenging symptom of dementia, but these drugs should only be given when there is no other option for dealing with these symptoms, and their use should always be carefully monitored.

“The most commonly-used drugs for dementia, cholinesterase inhibitors, have been found in several studies to help some people cope with symptoms such as memory loss. Although these do not work for everyone and the effects for some people may be small, many people report significant benefits with these drugs offering relief from distressing symptoms. Alzheimer’s Research UK would not support the removal of these treatments from people who may benefit.

“All medicines carry side effects and it is important for the potential harms of any drug to be weighed against its possible benefits, and for treatments to be monitored closely. Ultimately, we still need treatments that can stop the diseases that cause dementia in their tracks, and these can only come through research. With 850,000 people living with dementia in the UK, the need for continued investment in research has never been more urgent.”

Dr Michael Bloomfield, Academic Clinical Fellow in Psychiatry

 Medical Research Council & University College London



*Dr Bloomfieldは、精神科医ロイヤルカレッジのメンバー、精神薬理学英国協会研修生、そして神経精神薬理学ヨーロッパ大学の若手メンバーです医学研究審議会保健研究国立研究所からの受託研究を行っています。


“The article published in the BMJ is deliberately thought-provoking in order to tie in with a long-running series of debates on controversial topics that have been held at the Maudsley Hospital in London.

“The size of the possible benefits and side-effects of psychiatric drugs is similar to other treatments used for common, complex medical conditions.  For many patients, psychiatric medicines will make an important part of their recovery journey, alongside psychological therapy and social interventions, in line with the contemporary medical "bio-psycho-social" model of the causes and treatments of mental illnesses.

“Professor Gotzsche 's opinion that "we could stop almost all of psychotropic drugs without causing harm" is not supported by current scientific evidence and there is ongoing research taking place in the field into for how long psychiatric medicines should be continued after starting them.  In patients with schizophrenia, for example, long-term treatment with antipsychotic medicines is associated with lower mortality compared with no antipsychotic use.

“In practice, there need to be regular reviews of treatments between a patient and their psychiatrist in order to continually weigh up the pros and cons of any treatment.  Adequate funding needs to be in place to ensure patients with mental health problems have access to expert care and follow-up by a psychiatrist to enable these reviews to take place.  Any patient thinking of stopping a psychiatric medicine should always first discuss this with their GP or psychiatrist.”







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