






アイスランドの研究者らにより、遺伝的変異から推測された統合失調症や双極性障害の指標によって、疾患リスクや芸術関係の職についているか否かの予測が、ある程度可能だとする論文が発表されました。精神疾患リスクと関連する遺伝的背景が、発病していない場合にも創造性に影響しているようだと結論づけています。論文は9日(日本時間)のNature Neuroscienceに掲載されました。



 "Polygenic risk scores for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder predict creativity", Power et al., Nature Neuroscience, Published online 08 June 2015




Dr. David Cutler

Assistant Professor, Department of Human Genetics, Emory University



"To the extent that we understand the genetic basis of either schizophrenia or bipolar disorder it appears that many, many genes – perhaps even most of the genome – are involved. You can think of the model as something akin to everything in the genome contributing a tiny bit, with some genes contributing a little more than others; at every variant in those genes, one allele (genetic variant) slightly increases the risk and the other allele slightly decreases the risk. The risk scores the authors are modeling are therefore akin to the sum of the effects of everything in genome, more or less, and they show that these risk scores do in fact predict a small but significant fraction of the variation in schizophrenia or bipolar. All of this is fairly well known.

"If more or less every gene contributes to both schizophrenia and bipolar, these genes must do lots and lots and lots of things other than simply contribute to those diseases. Thus, the variants that in combination ever so slightly increase your risk of schizophrenia and bipolar must also ever so slightly increase or decrease other things too, and in the paper the authors show that the variants also slightly increase the chance of you being a professional artist.

"The authors show that the variants in the genome that when combined explain approximately 6% of of all schizophrenia also explain 1/4 of 1 percent of the variation in artistic ability and the variants that when combined explain about 1% of all bipolar explain about 1/4 of 1 percent of the variation in artistic ability. To put the number "1/4 of 1 percent" into a metaphorical context, if the distance between me (the least artistic person you are going to meet) and an actual artist is 1 mile, these variants appear to collectively explain 13 feet of that distance. Most of the distance between the artist and me is therefore due to other genetic variants and / or environmental factors.

"The findings are likely robust, but they are also very, very small, and importantly must be interpreted as I have laid out above. The effects are tiny and combined across hundreds or thousands of genes to even be detectable. Nonetheless, they are probably real and we can conclude that genes involved in schizophrenia and bipolar are probably broadly involved in all sorts of neurological and cognitive function including, but surely not limited to, cognitive functions related to artistic endeavors."


Dr. Mark A. Runco,

Distinguished Research Fellow of the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Therapy; Editor, Creativity Research Journal




"There are indeed indications that various forms of psychopathology share genetic roots with some indicators of creative talent. This new research by Stefansson et al. thus supports earlier reports, and such replication is useful in the sciences. It is especially useful because psychopathology is so varied.

"Two points should be underscored: one is the focus on creative professions and creativity defined in terms of memberships in societies and professional efforts. This is a very limited view. For one thing, not all creative people join or are invited to societies, and not all members of society are unambigously creative. Additionally, some domains of creativity differ from the arts. Twenty years ago data showed that psychopathology is related to artistic creative but not to all forms of creativity. Most important is that professional creativity reflects more than creative talent (e.g., self-promotion, to quote one earlier study in this area) and does not say much at all about creative potentials that are widely distributed in the population.

"The work of Stefansson et al. is based on impressively large samples and their description is appropriately cautious: the genetic contributions lead to propensities which might in turn lead to psychopathology, or to creative achievement. One notable concern is that genetics are not "either/or." It makes no sense to ask if the association between psychopathology and creativity is a result of shared genetics or environment. Genes supply a range of reactions and interact with the environment to varying degrees. The nature/nurture dichotomy is false, especially when discussing things are complex as creativity and psychopathology. A next step in this line of work might include consideration of the research showing DRD2 and DRD4 (dopamine receptor genes) to be related to indicators of creative potential."

Dr. Vishwajit L. Nimagonkar

Professor of Psychiatry and Human Genetics, Director, Program for Genetics and Psychosis, University of Pittsburgh



"The paper is authored by a highly regarded group. The genetic methodology is robust. They suggest that a genetic predisposition to schizophrenia or bipolar disorder increase chances of membership in Icelanding artistic societies. The nub is whether membership in an artistic society indicates creativity, as the authors acknowledge. I question this assumption and it is an important caveat.

"By analyzing a national database, the study raises the credibility of prior, smaller published studies. Creativity is such a broad and difficult to define term that I personally would hesitate to investigate its genetic underpinnings."







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