






オーストラリアの研究チームは、ヒトパピローマウイルス(HPV)ワクチン「サーバリックス」の接種は1回で十分だとする研究成果を発表しました。これまでは合計で3回の接種が推奨されていましたが、1回の接種でも同等の効果があるとしています。論文は10日、Lancet Oncologyに掲載されました。



"Efficacy of fewer than three doses of an HPV-16/18 AS04-adjuvanted vaccine: combined analysis of data from the Costa Rica Vaccine and PATRICIA trials", Aimée R Kreimer et al., the Lancet Oncology, Published Online: 09 June 2015




Dr Vanessa Saliba,

PHE Consultant Epidemiologist


2014年3月、最新の免疫学的な論拠に基づいて予防接種に関する共同委員会(the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation, JSVI)が勧告することで、2014年9月以降の接種が2回になっていました。予防接種プログラムが開始された2008年当時に使われていたワクチンは、ヨーロッパで発生する子宮頸がんの70%の原因となっているHPVタイプ16とタイプ18を予防する「サーバリックス」でしたが、2012年9月には、性器疣贅(せいきゆうぜい:性器にできるイボ)の原因となるHPVタイプ6とタイプ11も予防するワクチン「ガーダシル」に変更されました。



“The Human Papillomavirus(HPV) immunisation programme for adolescent girls was introduced in England in 2008 with the aim of reducing the incidence of cervical cancer in women. School-based HPV immunisation delivery has successfully achieved high coverage for the full three-dose course which has been consistently above 86% over the last three years.

“In March 2014, based on the latest immunological evidence, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) advised a change from a three to a two-dose schedule in the routine programme, which was implemented in September 2014. The HPV vaccine used routinely in the national programme in England when it started was Cervarix, which protects against HPV types 16 and 18, which are responsible for over 70% of all cervical cancers in Europe. This was changed to Gardasil in September 2012, which in addition protects against a further two strains of HPV – types 6 and 11 – that cause the vast majority of genital warts.

“While The Lancet Oncology study is encouraging, we look forward to further research being conducted into HPV vaccine dosage to confirm these results. JCVI continues to keep the HPV immunisation programme under review and will consider this new evidence in due course.”


Prof Margaret Stanley,

 Professor of Epithelial Biology and Director of Research of the Department of Pathology, University of Cambridge





*VLPワクチン(ウイルス様粒子:virus-like particle):ウイルスに似せた外殻をもつが、内部が空洞で遺伝子を含まないワクチン


“The paper from Kreimer and colleagues reporting data from a post hoc analysis of two trials with the bivalent HPV vaccine Cervarix that suggests that even one dose of a VLP vaccine provides equivalent protection against infection with HPV 16 and 18, the most important of the cancer causing HPVs, could be the game changer for the implementation and uptake of these vaccines worldwide.  Delivering one dose rather than two or three would be easier in settings with little medical infrastructure and crucially cheaper, not just in vaccine costs but delivery costs.

“However there is still a way to go before one dose vaccination could even be considered for introduction.  As Kreimer and colleagues point out themselves, this is a post hoc analysis, the numbers are small and the measure of efficacy is not disease but infection and incidence rather than persistent infection.  Nonetheless the striking data in this study support the calls for clinical trials that assess the efficacy of one dose of HPV vaccine in women and men.  These are unlikely to be sponsored by the manufacturers of these products but because of the overwhelming public health importance of this question should be a priority for national and international funding agencies.”

Dr Mark Jit,

 Senior Lecturer in Vaccine Epidemiology, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine



“Many countries including the UK recently switched from giving three doses to giving two doses of the HPV vaccine to girls up to 14 years old. This followed findings from Costa Rica and other studies that two doses of vaccine may be enough to protect women from cervical cancer. The latest news that even one dose may be protective holds promise, although further studies are needed before we will be ready to consider a one dose schedule.”





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