






11月30日より、パリにおいて、地球温暖化対策の新たな枠組みについて話し合う「気候変動枠組み条約 第21回締約国会議(COP21)」が始まります。これに先駆け、世界気象機関(WMO)は国連機構変動会議を開き「2015年は記録上、過去最も暑い年になりそうだ」と発表しました。この件についての海外専門家コメントをお送りします。





Dr Karl Braganza

Head of Climate Monitoring at the Bureau of Meteorology, and worked on the WMO report


"Typically, global surface temperatures are higher during El Nino years, and the year following an El Nino. With El Nino conditions persisting for the past two years, it is expected that both 2014 and 2015 would have been very warm.2015 has seen record monthly global temperatures for the past six months, with September and October being exceptionally warm.

Australia is typically very hot over spring and summer during an El Nino, and so far this spring has been no exception. Australia saw record spring temperatures in 2013, again in 2014, and this may well continue for a third consecutive year.

Currently global surface temperatures are breaking through 1 degree of warming since the pre industrial era, and atmospheric carbon dioxide is breaking through 400 parts per million. These are significant changes for the climate system, with a likelihood that these are the warmest temperatures since before the last ice age, and the highest levels of carbon dioxide in more than two-and-a-half million years."

Professor Matthew England

Deputy Director of the Climate Change Research Centre at UNSW



""The global average air temperature record has been absolutely smashed in 2015.

This warming blows away the record-breaking 1997/1998 El Niño by a massive 0.2 degrees Celsius.

The cause of this difference between two similar El Niño years is record levels of
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

This should be a huge wake-up call in the lead up to Paris for urgent and binding deep cuts
in fossil fuel emissions."

Professor Steven Sherwood

Director of the Climate Change Research Centre at UNSW



“The most important new circumstance that has emerged is that 2015 stands to become the hottest year ever recorded, probably by a considerable margin, although there is still a bit over one month to go.  

Some have been claiming in the last few years that global warming has slowed, but this new surge of global temperatures leaves these already dubious claims completely in tatters. 

It is not a surprise that global warming continues as strong as ever, because greenhouse gas emissions continue as strong as ever.  Only when these emissions are brought to a much lower level will global warming really stop.  

Also, as this report reminds us, the symptoms of global warming, including torrential rains and increasingly severe hot spells, continue as expected.” 

Prof David Karoly 

Professor of Atmospheric Science at the University of Melbourne



“Key message: The new record high global temperature in 2015 is mainly due to human-caused global warming, with smaller contributions from El Niño and from other natural climate variations.

It is now all but certain that 2015 will be the hottest year since record keeping began. Scientists from the World Weather Attribution initiative along with colleagues at the University of Reading performed a simple analysis to assess what factors played a role in this record heat. Specifically, we looked at the roles of greenhouse gas emissions associated with global warming, the natural climate oscillation known as El Niño, as well as solar activity and volcanic aerosols.

Based on the analysis described in the Methodology section below, we estimate the 2015 global temperature anomaly to be 1.05ºC  above the 1850–1900 average that the IPCC takes to be “pre-industrial.” The year 2015 is therefore likely to be remembered as the first year that two symbolic thresholds were set: the 1ºC temperature anomaly threshold and the 400 parts per million (ppm) CO2 threshold.

Of that 1.05ºC temperature departure from pre-industrial, roughly 1.0ºC is due to the anthropogenic forcing (associated with human-caused increases in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere), about 0.05ºC to 0.1ºC  is due to El Niño and about 0.02ºC is due to higher solar activity. The remainder is well within the range of variations due to random weather, especially winter weather in Siberia and Canada. Volcanoes contribute very little at this time.
El Niño is a relatively small contributor to the record 2015 temperatures because the largest contribution from El Niño usually occurs in the year after the peak in El Niño, not in the year when the warm ocean temperatures in the tropical Pacific Ocean associated with  El Niño are increasing. Hence, due to the current El Niño, it is likely that 2016 will set a new record high global teSmperature, even hotter than in 2015.

Further analysis available here: http://www.climatecentral.org/2015-global-temp-record”





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