






フランスの研究チームは、実験用マウスを用いて、家畜飼料中の農薬、金属、工業用薬品などの残留物を分析し、汚染状況について調査しました。その結果、一般に流通している飼料の残留物によって、マウスのガン発生率が高くなるため、飼料の利用はやめるべきであると主張しています。また、汚染濃度は米国やヨーロッパで用いられている基準値より下回っていることがわかったとのことです。論文は7月2日にPLOS ONEにて掲載されました。この件に ついての海外専門家コメントをお送りします。




Robin Mesnage et al.,‘Laboratory Rodent Diets Contain Toxic Levels of Environmental Contaminants: Implications for Regulatory Tests’ ,PLOS ONE, 2 July, 2015


Prof Tamara Galloway

Professor of Ecotoxicology, University of Exeter





*ADI(Acceptable Daily Intake):食品のある特定の物質について、生涯にわたり毎日摂取し続けても影響が出ないと考えられる一日あたりの量を、体重1kgあたりで示した値


“This is an interesting study that sets out to determine whether food chow intended for laboratory rodents is contaminated with residues of pesticides, metals and/or industrial chemicals. The chemical analysis has been performed by accredited laboratories and appears robust and of good quality. The authors found that a number of the test diets  contained residues of pesticides, metals and industrial chemicals, and this is perhaps unsurprising given their widespread use, but it is reassuring to see that the concentrations of these compounds are below regulatory limits.

“In the paper, the authors have calculated a hazard quotient, which they then compare with acceptable daily intakes (ADI) calculated for human consumption. Since the ADI is calculated using a safety factor of 100, a direct comparison of the two estimates could give the wrong impression, since the safety factor is not taken into account.

“The authors do not measure the biological or health effects of the food and hence it is not possible to say anything from the paper on the likelihood that food contamination might have a role to play in the high incidence of health problems in laboratory rodents, as speculated by the authors. The abstract speculates beyond the evidence presented in the paper.”

Prof Tamara Gallowayは、エクセター大学の生態毒性の教授であり、潜在的に危険な物質から環境や人間の健康を守るための専門的アドバイスを行う有害物質諮問委員会(the Hazardous Substance Advisory Committee)のメンバーです。


Dr Graham Tobin

Technical Director, Harlan Laboratories, Europe/ROW




1.   飼料の汚染レベルが、ラットにおいてなんらかの病理的な所見を引き起こすかどうかを示すデータや文献が示されていません。

2.   安全性の評価として、ヒトのADIレベルを前提としています。このADIレベルはマウスについての安全性リスクを評価するための指標になりません。

3.   遺伝的な要素や経験則などを無視しており、論理があまりにも単純です。



“The authors bring needed attention to the often overlooked role of diet in laboratory animal safety and toxicology studies.

“Contaminant levels in diets are a function of their ingredient composition, and the geographical source of those ingredients. A primary source of variation in contaminant levels between the different diets in this study was likely related to the diet formulations. It is known that certain ingredients are more likely to contain specific contaminants.

“Diets fed in safety and toxicology studies must be monitored for contaminant residues in order to meet Good Laboratory Practices (GLP). In regards to the 13 diets analyzed for this study, no diet exceeded current established contaminant criteria in any of these standards used in the US and Europe.

“The argument is flawed on the following basis:

“1. No data or compelling literature support was presented to demonstrate the contaminant levels found in the diets will contribute to these specific pathologies within rats.

“2. The safety assessment was predicated on human ADI levels that are not properly scaled to assess safety risks in rodents.

“3. The argument is too simplistic, ignoring other factors such as genetic predisposition, and practical experience. It overlooks the well-established effect of dietary restriction to improve survival and reduce pathology; this beneficial effect occurs in the absence of a reduction in contaminant intake per unit body weight.

“This paper addresses an important subject, but does a disservice to laboratory animal science by inflating the potential risk of typical dietary contaminant levels through use of an inappropriate metric.  On the basis of the evidence presented it certainly seems inadvisable and unwarranted to apply the adjective ‘toxic’ to the levels of contaminants reported here.”

Dr Nick Plant

Reader in Molecular Toxicology, University of Surrey




“A comprehensive assessment of potential contaminants in animal chow is welcome, and this study has been undertaken in a robust manner by nationally accredited laboratories. It is not unsurprising that some level of contamination exists given what is known about agricultural practices worldwide, and indeed it is pleasing to see that in the main the levels are only just above the limit of detection and below the regulatory levels. As such, this work is reassuring.

“The authors’ comment that such contamination may contribute to spontaneous pathologies in chronic studies may be justified, although this would need further study to prove. However, their assertion that this invalidates the use of historical data is questionable. Historical data provides a wealth of information on the background rate of pathology, even if this is driven (at least in part) by variable food contaminants. Not only that, animal studies always include a control group who will be fed the same diet as the treatment groups, proving an internal control for diet-induced effects.

“In the paper the authors refer to a hazard quotient (HQ).  This is a way of putting a single value on the level of several different hazards, in this case the hazards represented by the various components of the animal feed. In feeding experiments, the hazard quotient should be compared to the level of feed at which no observed adverse effect is expected (the NOAEL). However in this paper the authors compare the hazard quotient instead to a different measure, the acceptable daily intake (ADI), which is usually 100-fold lower than the level at which no adverse effect is expected.  This means that the hazard quotient calculated in this paper will substantially overestimate the cumulative risk of the feed.

“In summary, while this is a useful piece of work and adds to the body of evidence that allows us to interpret animal experiments correctly, it does not support the concerns raised by the authors on the use of historical data to interpret such studies.”

Dr. Frédéric Y. Bois

Professor at Sorbonne UTC, and Research Director at L'Institut National de l'Environnement Industriel et des Risques (INERIS)




"The authors have performed an independent assessment of the contamination of lab rat diets by pesticides, heavy metals and some persistent chemicals. Some producers already check the quality of the diets they produced, according to FDA guidelines for example, but a double check is always good. Not too surprisingly, rat diet, like most of ours by the way, is contaminated with those chemicals. It would actually be interesting to compare those results with the producers' records.

"Whether the exposed rats are likely to suffer serious damage from such exposures is not clear though. The hazard indexes computed by the authors use acceptable daily intakes (ADI) calculated for humans. Those do not really apply to rats, because safety factors are used in their derivations to specifically protect humans (assumed to be more susceptible than animals), and among humans infants etc.

"Furthermore the hazard indexes for various chemicals were summed to get an estimate of the effect of the multiple exposures. However, this is a very crude method: for example, take three chemicals that have indexes at 0.5 (no problem for them: the exposure level only half of the ADI). If you sum the indexes for those three chemicals you find a global index of 1.5 and we have a problem. But that makes sense only if the chemicals act without thresholds and on the same target, which are all assumptions.

"As to estimating precisely the effect of mixtures of chemicals, this is a hot and debated topic in food safety (the European Union has recently given the green light to a large project, EuroMix on that topic) but we do not have yet good tools to do it precisely.

"Given that, it goes very far to say that most rat feeding studies are flawed or that ‘historical control data’ are unreliable. In the case of low quality diets, some studies may have overestimated the "natural" disease background in the animals. The question is a good one, but should be answered with a more in-depth analysis of the actual risks for those animals.

"The question also of the number of chemicals whose safety evaluation has been biased by the presence of food contaminants in lab animal diets needs to be addressed with precaution, without jumping too fast to conclusions. At least the authors should be congratulated for tackling an interesting question, which, by the way, also extends to the analysis of epidemiological cohorts. In essence, what is a control group? The question again is welcome."




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