FDA announcement:
Dr. Jason Rasgon
Associate Professor of Disease Epidemiology, Penn State University
"I’m not surprised that the FDA has published a finding of no significant impact. As far as controlling Aedes aegypti goes, releasing the Oxitec mosquitoes is a good idea because it’s safe and the chance of something going wrong is pretty negligible. It’s definitely got a lower environmental footprint than spraying insecticides all over the place and has good chance of controlling Aedes aegypti. I’m a fairly big supporter of the technology which has been proven to work in a number of countries already. Of all the GM or GM-like strategies for mosquito control that are being talked about I think it’s by far the safest and the least likely to have off target effects."
Dr. Bruce Hay
Professor of Biology, California Institute of Technology
FDAによる今回の決定はタイムリーであり、歓迎すべきことです。デング熱、チクングニア熱、ジカ熱のウイルスはネッタイシマカによって媒介され、南北アメリカにおいてはこれまで存在しなかった外来のウイルスです。 FDAはOxitec社などから提供されたデータや情報を厳しく評価したうえで、雄のGE蚊の放出によってネッタイシマカの個体数を減らすことができ、生物学的な影響はないとしています。
"This is a welcome and timely decision by the FDA. Dengue, chikungunya and Zika are all dangerous viruses transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, an invasive species that has no business being in North or South America at all. The FDA's evaluation of data and information from Oxitec and others was rigorous and complete. In short, there is no biologically plausible mechanism by which the release of these male mosquitoes could do anything other than what it is intended to do, which is to decrease the population of the wild Aedes aegypti mosquito population."
Dr. David O’Brochta
Professor, Department of Entomology, University of Maryland
"Oxitec’s general approach to developing a control strategy for reducing populations of Aedes aegypti using genetics is well documented as is their specific technology in this case, OX513A mosquitoes. I am not surprised by a finding of no significant impact by the FDA for their proposed field trial in Florida.
"A male OX513A mosquito released by Oxitec is essentially a flying non-chemical 'insecticide' that seeks out and targets Aedes aegypti females and their offspring. These mosquitoes do not persist in the environment and all mosquitoes with Oxitec’s mosquito-killing gene die. High specificity, high efficacy and no persistence in the environment is more than can be said about the current approaches used to control Aedes aegypti in Florida, which involve fairly non-specific chemicals that have a measurable environmental footprint."
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