

Ver.2.0 (Updated: 110226)

これはScience Media Centre (NZ)によるサイエンス・アラート(02/23-26/2011)の翻訳です。




<SMCJ発 サイエンス・アラート>




(*ニュージーランド史上で最も多くの犠牲者を出した地震は1931年、北島の町ホークス・ベイ(Hawkes Bay)   で起きたマグニチュード7.8の地震で、256人の犠牲者が出ました。)

○ ニュージーランド国立地質学・核科学研究所(GNS Science)




 ※ http://geonet.org.nz/var/storage/images/media/images/news/2011/lyttelton/57171-1-eng-GB/Lyttelton.jpg








Christchurch earthquake not on Greendale Fault

  Preliminary analysis of seismograph records of the devastating magnitude 6.3 earthquake on Tuesday show that it was just 9 km from the centre of Christchurch on a buried fault oriented roughly east-west.

  There is no obvious structure directly connecting the faults that ruptured in the September’s magnitude 7.1 earthquake with the fault that generated the magnitude 6.3 event. On the contrary, precise aftershock relocations suggest that at least two north-east/south-west trending faults lie between the two and that there is no evidence from the earthquake data of an extension of the Greendale Fault.”


○ ニュージーランド国立地質学・核科学研究所(GNS Science)





 「今回の地震のクライストチャーチでの揺れの強さは、昨年9月の震度7.1の地震やその後に起こった余震よりも遥かに激しいものでした。最も通よく揺れた場所はヒースコートバレー小学校で、揺れの大きさは220%g。ページズロードパンピングステーション(Pages Road Pumping Station)で188%g、ハルバーストーンロードパンピングステーション(Hulverston Road Pumping Station)で107%gを記録しています。これは震源地が都市部に近く、震源が浅かったせいです。」

『%g』は地震の力を表す単位です。ニュージーランドでは各地の記録所で『%g』を使い、地表面最大加速度(PGA)を記録しています。『重力』=g9.80655 m/s^2の何%にあたるかを示しています。




  The city had been comparatively lucky with both the location and timing of last September's magnitude 7.1 Darfield (Canterbury) earthquake; the location of this one within 10 km of the city and at a shallow depth of 5 km during the middle of a working day has resulted in destruction, injuries and deaths.”

Shaking intensity in the city was much greater for this earthquake than the magnitude 7.1 earthquake for any of its other aftershocks. The highest shaking was recorded at Pages Road Pumping Station at 188 %g, with readings of 127 %g at Heathcote Valley Primary School and 107 %g at Hulverstone Road Pumping Station. This is due to the proximity of the epicentre to the city and the shallow depth.

  Seismologically, this is classed as an aftershock because of its relationship to the ongoing activity since September last year. Its occurrence was always statistically possible, but the long time interval and slow decrease in general activity had made it less likely. Unfortunately, it has happened after all and in a location that has brought the worst result.”



○ エリザベッタ・マリアニ博士



  Dr Elisabetta Mariani, University of Liverpool School of Environmental Sciences


 「今回のニュージーランド地震は”隠れ断層線(blind fault)”に沿って発生した可能性があります。隠れ断層線とは研究者が地表からは見つけることができない断層線のことです。私たちの研究チームは、最近ニュージーランドのアルパイン断層から石のサンプルを持ち帰ってきたばかりでした。アルパイン断層の南部では200年から400年ごとに断裂がおき、マグニチュード8クラスの地震が起きると考えられています。これからリバプールの研究室で、医師の内部構造を調べ、地震が起こった際にどのような力が加わるのかをシミュレーションします。この研究から、巨大地震が起きる仕組みや、どのような力が加わって起きるのかを解明できるのではないかと期待しています。」


  "The latest earthquake to hit New Zealand may have occurred along a 'blind fault', which means that there is no expression of it at the surface of the earth that allows scientists to identify it. Our team has recently returned from New Zealand where we have been taking rock samples from the Alpine Fault, an area along the Southern Alps that is thought to rupture every 200 to 400 years, producing earthquakes of magnitude eight. In the labs in Liverpool we can look at the rock's internal structure and simulate the stresses that it experiences under earthquake conditions. We hope that the data from this study can be used to understand the mechanics and dynamics of large earthquakes.”







○ ピーター・スタッフォード博士







Dr Peter Stafford, Imperial College London

(※ スタッフォード博士はクライストチャーチ出身でクライストチャーチのキャンタベリー大学工学部で博士課程を獲得。家族や多くの知人はクライストチャーチに住んでいます)



 ニュージーランドのGNS Science(Geological and Nuclear Sciences – 国立地質・核科学研究所)が最初に発表した報告書をみると、クライストチャーチで観測された揺れのレベルは普通の建物が耐えられるレベルより大幅に大きかったことを示しています。ですから、多くのビルに甚大な被害が出て、倒壊するビルがあったことについては驚くことではありません。









“Widespread damage has been caused by the ground shaking induced by the magnitude 6.3 earthquake just to the south of Christchurch.

  The event is much closer, and much shallower, than the larger M7.1 earthquake that occurred in September 2010.  This is the primary reason why the levels of ground shaking that have been observed are so severe.

  Initial reports from the GNS Science in New Zealand (a government research institute looking at Geological and Nuclear Sciences – GNS) indicate that the levels of shaking that were observed in and around Christchurch are significantly greater than the levels that structures are typically designed to withstand.  It is therefore no surprise that many structures have suffered extensive levels of damage, and that some have collapsed.

  Images such as that above, taken from the GeoNet website, suggest that peak ground accelerations reached as high as 1.9 times the acceleration due to gravity (although it is not clear whether these are recorded in the horizontal or vertical direction – horizontal accelerations are those most relevant for estimating damage to buildings).  By any measure, accelerations of this level are considered to be very large.

  This event is almost certainly an aftershock of the larger event that occurred in September.  This large event caused damage to structures throughout the city that was thought to be primarily superficial (affecting what structural engineer’s refer to as non-structural elements, e.g., facades, in-fill panels, non-load-bearing walls and partitions etc).  However it is too early to say whether some of the collapses that have occurred have resulted from undetected damage caused by the first major event.”










GeoNet: GNS Scienceニュージーランド国立地質学・核科学研究所の最新地震情報(英語)
 ◯GNS Scienceニュージーランド国立地質学・核科学研究所が最近記録した地震の報告(英語)



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