Ver.1.1 (120716-17:30)
・このサイエンス・アラートは豪日交流基金(Australia-Japan Foundation)からの支援をいただき、作成されたものです。
SMC カナダ
アダム・リース教授(Dr. Adam Reiss)
Johns Hopkins University
winner (along with Brian Schmidt and Saul Perlmutter) of the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics for the discovery that the expansion of the universe is accelerating.
Brian and I were grad students together – I was from 1992 -1996. We were working on how to measure distant supernovae, and at the same time find more distant supernovae and find the expansion rate of the universe. We expected it was slowing down.
We thought this would be an interesting experiment to do, but we didn’t know it would be this interesting.In 1997, I was analyzing data on what the team had found. I kept getting a funny error that wouldn’t go away.
I asked Schmidt to check my work and he couldn’t figure it out. At some point we decided, maybe this was where the universe was, it wasn’t slowing down, it was speeding up.
There was a team at Lawrence Berkeley getting the same signal, and then over the years it’s been confirmed by many other teams.I want to draw a distinction between what the Prize is for and what it’s not for.
The universe is accelerating. This observation doesn’t depend on why it’s accelerating. Dark energy is the biggest candidate for why, but that hasn’t been confirmed. But this observation that the universe is expanding is what the prize was awarded for.
マイケル・ローワン=ロビンソン教授(Professor Michael Rowan-Robinson)
Professor of Astrophysics at Imperial College London
天体物理学教授, 英国・インペリアル・カレッジ・ロンドン
The signals were somewhat fainter than expected, suggesting the galaxies were further away than originally predicted. This suggested that galaxies are being pushed apart by some mysterious repulsive force, the so-called dark energy. A repulsive force acting on large scales in the universe was first proposed by Einstein in 1916, when he was trying to construct a static model of the universe. There is still no consensus among physicists on the nature of this dark energy
The two astrophysics teams, one led by Saul Perlmutter, the other by Brian Schmidt and Adam Riess, found evidence of the accelerated expansion of the Universe at approximately the same time using data from exploding white dwarf stars in distant galaxies.
"The impact of this finding on cosmology has been huge. The dominant role of dark energy in the universe has been confirmed by the WMAP mission, analysing fluctuations in the microwave background radiation left over from the earliest stages of the Big Bang.
I have a particular interest as I was part of a group that looked for other reasons to explain how the Universe can appear to be expanding at an ever-faster rate. We were unable to undermine the findings of the two teams and it's now momentous to see the research which indicated the existence of dark energy being rewarded so prestigiously.
These astrophysicists' research revolutionised our common perception of the Universe and unveiled an array of mysteries that we are still trying to fathom.
SMC オーストラリア
スザンヌ・コーリー教授(Professor Suzanne Cory)
President of the Australian Academy of Science
On behalf of all his colleagues at the Australian Academy of Science, I offer my warmest congratulations to Brian Schmidt and his colleagues for this richly deserved accolade. This is a great day for Australian science.
Over just a few short years in the 1990s, Brian and his American colleague Professor Adam Riess discovered through their study of exploding stars – supernovae – that the expansion of the universe is accelerating. Racing to the same discovery was Professor Saul Perlmutter in the United States, who shares the Nobel Prize with Schmidt and Riess. This discovery had a profound and immediate effect on cosmology. Previously it had been thought that the expansion of the universe was slowing, or proceeding at a steady rate. Astrophysicists say the finding that the expansion is in fact accelerating has completely altered our understanding of the universe and opened up important new fields in the study of time and dark energy.
For his part in this astounding discovery, Brian Schmidt was made a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science in 2008. He is an energetic and highly respected member of the Australian National University's astronomy and astrophysics team.
Today Perlmutter, Schmidt and their colleagues continue to explore the implications of their work. Schmidt has developed the SkyMapper project, a telescope to map the southern sky. Perlmutter is working on a satellite mission that would study supernovae and the nature of dark energy.
* Background information courtesy of Science in Public and the Gruber Foundation
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