


Ver.1.0 (111014-00:00)




 10月5日にニュージーランド北島沖で座礁した大型コンテナ船から重油が流出した事故は、周囲の環境に大きな影響を与えつつあります。 これに関し、海外のSMC(英・豪・新)が収集したコメントを、翻訳してお届けします。 ※精確さよりも迅速さを優先して翻訳しております。原文を添付致しましたので、自由に再翻訳してご利用下さい。


高等研究員, 豪州・ジェームズ・クック大学




 There needs to be great care taken in mitigating the impacts of large oils on coastal ecosystems – and in selecting the chemicals and methods applied.

 Petroleum oil will naturally break down – but this takes time and oxygenation. So, the longer the oil remains floating at sea – the safer it becomes. And, the rougher the weather – the better also.

 My results in Australia and in Panama with studies of major oil spills – and experimental studies – clearly show that oil can persist in tidal sediments for 20-30 years. And, the effect of this persistence is longer term impacts on biota growth – and its genetic makeup. For the latter, we know for instance, that there are mangrove plants can have increased genetic mutations with increased levels of oil in sediments."


上席講師(海洋保全生物学), ニュージーランド・オークランド工業大学





 This morning Maritime New Zealand indicated that up to 350 tonnes of oil have spilled from the Rena and more is expected over the next several hours.

 While the oil spill from the Rena has placed the marine and coastal regions in the Bay of Plenty at great risk, all of New Zealand's coastal areas are vulnerable to this sort of disaster.

 It highlights the urgent need to develop rapid response protocols for ship groundings and oil spills and mechanisms to prevent this from occurring again. It also highlights the need for a more comprehensive approach to marine ecosystem management in New Zealand.

 This has turned into an environmental disaster with widespread implications. It has the potential to not only affect some of our most pristine coastal areas in the Bay of Plenty region, but also estuaries and already threatened marine habitats, sea birds, shellfish, marine mammals and other marine life.It will also impact upon commercial, amateur and customary fishing, tourism, surfing and other recreational activities in the area.



国立海洋学センター 英国・サウスハンプトン大学

「現在、集中するべきは船に積んでいるコンテナを固定することです。数年前、イングランドのドーセットとデヴォン地域の沖合でコンテナ船ナポリ号が座礁された時、多数のコンテナが失われました。現在、コンテナは流出している油より危険となる可能性があります。船から離れると、コンテナは周辺の海運業に危険を及ぼすことになります。 (コンテナは)最終的に中に水が入って完全に沈んでしまうまでは水面下すれすれに浮いていますが、どこにあるか見つけるのが困難です。」


 "The main concern now is securing the containers on the ship. A couple of years ago the container ship Napoli ran aground off Devon and Dorset in England and lost a significant number of containers. These are potentially more worrying now than the fuel oil leaking from the ship. Once they break away from the ship they present a hazard to shipping – often floating just below the surface and difficult to see and track until they finally fill with water and sink.

 Containers can remain afloat for weeks at a time. There should also be concern as to the contents of the containers. This could range from household good to chemicals and in the case of Napoli there were several tonnes of herbicides amongst other materials. The emergency will remain until the vessel is finally towed to safe haven."

悪化していく重油の流出について:On the growing oil spill

 「この2日間で流出量は明らかに増えましたが、350トンの重油が海岸から12キロ離れたところで流出されているので、ダメージは短期的なものだ と思います。船と積み荷の確保、それから海岸へ辿り着く油の処分に集中した方が良いと思います。ビーチに流れ着く油の塊(乳化油)に関しては、手作業で 集める必要があります。」

 "The volumes of oil have evidently increased over the past two days but even at 350 tonnes, when this is 12km offshore the damage will be short term. The focus should be on securing the ship and its cargo and dealing with oil as and when it reaches shore. There will be blobs of material (emulsified oil we often call mousse) on the beach which will require mechanical collection by hand."

分散剤Corexit9500の使用について:On use of dispersant Corexit 9500

 「科学者は、分散剤の使用については、賛成と反対双方の議論がありました。しかし、今回の使用については、議論は学術的なものだったと思います。(それは、Corexit 9500は)毒性の低い分散剤であることと、これまで使われた量(2トン弱)は心配するほどのものではありません。」

 "Scientists will argue over the use of dispersants, for and against, but given the one used in this case the discussion is rather academic. [That is because Corexit 9500] is one of the less toxic dispersants and the volume used so far (under two tonnes) should not cause undue concern."





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