


Ver.1.1 (120711-11:30)



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チャールズ・フレンチ=コンスタント教授(Professor Charles ffrench-Constant)

ディレクター, 英国・エディンバラ大学 再生医療MRCセンター
Director at the University of Edinburgh's MRC Centre for Regenerative Medicine




 In prioritising their anti-cancer drugs over stem cell based products, Geron's decision illustrates the difficulties and costs of bringing stem cell based therapies to the clinic. They have however made enormous advances in defining the various issues that need to be considered for stem cell therapies, advances that will be of huge value to others in the field. It is important to note that their decision reflects current commercial pressure, and does not point to any issues over their current trials in stem cell transplants as treatment for spinal cord injury.

アジーム・スラニ教授(Professor Azim Surani)

Marshall-Walton Professor, University of Cambridge




  Stem cell-based therapy is not the only end point of research in this field. Indeed, this research can contribute in multiple ways to advances in medicine. For example, stem cells provide the basis for building excellent disease models in culture that can mimic events leading to diseases in adults. Using such models, it is possible to develop new therapeutic agents to prevent or cure diseases. Above all, from such studies we gain fundamental knowledge which can provide the foundation for applications in ways that are not always predictable as has often been shown in the past.

ジョイス・テート教授(Professor Joyce Tait)

英国・エディンバラ大学 ゲノミクス社会と経済研究(ESRC)イノゲンセンター
ESRC Innogen Centre, University of Edinburgh





  Regulatory demands, both cost and time, are a major – but rarely specified – factor in company decisions to pull out of a cell therapy at various stages of its development.As with most innovation at the cutting edge of the life sciences, cell therapies will be subject to the costly and lengthy regulatory requirements that have evolved in the context of the blockbuster pharmaceutical drug pipeline.Until recently profit margins on new drugs have been high enough to cope with the regulatory costs, but early cell therapies are likely to be niche market products, at least in the early stages of marketing.

  This means that at present small to medium sized companies are incapable of taking a product from initial concept to a viable market. Regulatory agencies are aware of this problem, and are making efforts to move therapies through the still-evolving regulatory systems in the EU and USA. But this does not yet lower the time and cost barriers enough to allow products like cell therapies to make it all the way to a viable, profitable market. The Innogen Centre’s research points to the need to re-think regulatory systems across the board, from cell therapies to pharmaceuticals and stratified medicine. 21st century regulatory systems are needed for 21st century science in order to reap the benefits of basic science that is publicly funded.

ジョン・マーティン教授(Professor John Martin)

心臓血管内科, 英国・ユニバーシティ・カレッジ・ロンドン
Professor of cardiovascular medicine at University College London




  I have said publicly that the Geron trial had no real chance of success because of the design and the disease targeted. It was an intrinsically flawed study. And for that reasons we should not be describing this as a set back.The first trials of stem cell that will give an answer are our own in the heart. The heart is an organ that can give quantitative data of quality.

ボブ・ウィリアムソン教授 (Professor Bob Williamson)

Secretary for Science Policy of the Australian Academy of Science




  There can be many reasons for abandoning a clinical trial, and people with spinal injury will be very disappointed that Geron has stopped this study. Because stem cell therapy is such an emotive area with ethical implications, it may be argued that the decision is of great significance. However, there are always ups and downs in the pharmaceutical industry, particularly when research is being turned into treatment, and Geron may well have thought that its cancer drugs have more chance of making money than stem cells. There are several other clinical trials under way that use stem cells for therapy, some of which are going well, but the real success of stem cell science has been in helping scientists work out the basics behind the way a one-cell embryo develops into a living human being. We need to retain the flexibility to use every kind of stem cell to advance our basic knowledge and to apply this for care in the clinic.

ミーガン・マンジー博士 (Megan Munsie)

教育、倫理、法律と 社会意識課ディレクター、Stem Cells Australia
Director of the Education, Ethics, Law and Community Awareness Unit at Stem Cells Australia




  It is really disappointing that Geron will cease its spinal cord injury trial. We can only hope that Geron is able to identify partners with the necessary technical and financial resources to allow their pioneering stem cell therapy program to continue. Geron invested heavily in their approach and compiled substantial pre-clinical data to meet the rigorous standards demanded by the FDA. Attention of those with SCI who hope to benefit from stem cell therapy will now focus on the progress of the clinical trial by StemCells Inc in Switzerland.







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