Ver.1.0 (120717-11:30)
・このサイエンス・アラートは豪日交流基金(Australia-Japan Foundation)からの支援をいただき、作成されたものです。
Nagata, T., Koyanagi, M., Tsukamoto, H., Saeki, S., Isono, K., Shichida, Y., Tokunaga, F., Kinoshita, M., Arikawa, K., Terakita, A. (2012). Depth Perception from Image Defocus in a Jumping Spider. Science, 335, 469 – 471.【リンク】
マリー・ハーバースタイン助教授(Associate Professor Marie Herberstein)
Macquarie University in Australia
How do spiders see the world? It’s easy to assume that animals see the world just like we do, but non-human eyes are often very different. Jumping spider eyes, for example do not just have a retina like we do, but four different ones, each sensitive to a different colour of light. Why do they need such complexity – a team of Japanese researchers investigated this curious phenomenon and discovered a novel way of depth perception in jumping spiders. Jumping spiders, as the name suggests are excellent jumpers and require a mechanism to judge 3 dimensional space. One of the 4 retinas is dedicated to provide this information, by receiving a fuzzy image (an image that is not focused on the retina itself – in humans this condition results in short or long sightedness). This fuzzy retina is sensitive to green light only. Using state of the art molecular and physiological methodology, Nagata and colleagues described in great detail how the four retinas of the spider’s eye works.
They needed behavioural experiments to confirm that the amount of fuzzy image (via the green channel) is crucial for judging distance. When spiders were asked to jump onto prey in the absence of green light, they were suddenly unable to make correct jumps.
This study elegantly combines several different research approaches in a comprehensive way to help us understand how animals perceive the world.
ダレル・ケンプ博士(Dr Darrell Kemp)
Macquarie University and James Cook University in Australia
Understanding how animals see the world has inspired advances in technology and medicine, and taught us much about the evolution of complexity.
One interesting aspect of vision is depth perception – the means by which depth (= distance) is judged in the visual field. Humans achieve this largely through having our eyes positioned frontally, which gives a large region of binocular overlap needed for depth perception through stereopsis. Creatures such as insects and spiders use different techniques, some involving small head movements that yield ever-so-slightly offset views in the way that our slightly offset eyes do.
Recently, a team of Japanese researchers have shown that jumping spiders perceive depth using image de-focus, a rare phenomenon not previously known for arachnids. Depth – which for these active hunters is crucial in estimating the distance to prey – is judged by comparing focussed images against de-focussed ones, with each formed at a different vertical position within their uniquely ‘staircase-like’ retina.
Using a combination molecular biology, morphology and behavioural experimentation, the authors show how image de-focus is used by these spiders only with reference to green coloured light. This colour-specificity results from the optical mechanisms at play within the tiny facets of the spider’s compound eye.
Ecologically, it may work to enhance prey capture under the predominantly greenish light of forests, or against green leafy backgrounds, which suggests exciting opportunities for future behavioural experimentation.
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