


Ver.1.0 (140718-18:00)





リンク: http://www.nature.com/news/stap-retracted-1.15488

ダスコ・アイリック博士(Dr. Dusko Ilic) 

Senior Lecturer in Stem Cell Science, King’s College London



“It is easy to be judgmental and pointing fingers after all is over. Gaining knowledge is difficult. It requires both time and persistence. I hoped that Haruko Obokata would prove at the end all those naysayers wrong. Unfortunately, she did not. The STAP technology, indeed, sounded too good to be true. Though, I still find fascinating how a 30-year-old scientist could pass a scrutiny of her co-workers and multiple reviewers in Nature with a complete fabrication.”


クリス・メイゾン教授(Professor Chris Mason) 

Chair of Regenerative Medicine Bioprocessing, University College London



“This incident highlights that the peer review process does not end at the recommendation to publish a paper, but continues with even greater rigour by a wide range of experts in their laboratories and increasingly across social media. Final validation is the reproduction of the data by independent scientists. This final step is the most important step in the entire peer review process.”


マーティン・ペラ教授(Professor Martin Pera) 

Program Head of Stem Cells Australia and Chair of Stem Cell Sciences, University of Melbourne



“The retraction of the STAP cell studies is regrettable but entirely appropriate given the facts that have become public since the papers appeared. In the rapidly evolving field of stem cell research, new work that challenges existing paradigms has repeatedly emerged over the past 15 years or so. Some of it has stood the test of time, and some of it has not. The STAP findings represented a potential breakthrough in our understanding of the plasticity of the differentiated state, and on the basis of the data presented, appeared to be well validated by highly competent investigators. Forensic investigation is not the role of manuscript referees. In the end, it is the broader scientific community that puts radical new findings to the test. The key question of whether STAP cells exist at all will soon be answered by this process. Unfortunately the information to date does not encourage much optimism on this account.”


クルディップ・シデュ准教授(Associate Professor Kuldip Sidhu) 

Director of the Stem Cell Lab and Chair of Stem Cell Biology, University of New South Wales



“What has come out of this paper now reflects as much on the journal Nature’s peer review process as it does on the integrity of the authors. Next time anything tantalising that is published in this journal should be taken with a pinch of salt!”





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