










Dr Simon Lewis

Reader in Global Change Science at University College London





“Earth’s vegetation currently removes about one quarter of all human emissions of carbon dioxide. This new analysis suggests that some modelling studies slightly underestimated the size of this major free subsidy from nature over the past 100 years.  


“But what does this mean for the future? This is hard to tell from the new study as it does not model the future. Looking forward 100 years the amount of uptake of carbon dioxide by the world’s vegetation is uncertain.  Many scientists think climate models are too optimistic about how much carbon dioxide forests can take up. Few think trees will grow ever-bigger as they are fertilized by ever-higher amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Something else, such as nutrients, water or extremely high temperatures may well limit growth in the future. This study, considering only one aspect of photosynthesis shows, correctly in my view, that photosynthesis is highly responsive to carbon dioxide, but this is far from the only factor amongst many that will impact the forests of the 21st century and how much carbon they store.   


“The level and speed of greenhouse gas emissions cuts needed to avoid dangerous levels of climate change are not altered by this new study.”


Prof Richard Betts

Head of Climate Impacts Research at the Met Office and Chair in Climate Impacts at the University of Exeter



“This is a very interesting paper adding to our understanding of plant physiology.  The authors remark on the potential importance of their results for global carbon cycle modelling, and this is indeed relevant, but as a priority for improving carbon cycle modelling there are other processes which current models treat either very simplistically or not at all.  Fire disturbance, for example, is not included in some of the models examined here – its inclusion could be more important than any improvements in modelling CO2 fertilization, as it seems likely to be an important feedback on climate change.  Changes in global soil respiration at the global scale are also poorly understood. 


“So while this is an interesting and useful contribution, it should be put into context with the bigger picture – disturbance mechanisms as well as physiological processes are important.”


Dr Pep Canadell

Executive Director of the Global Carbon Project at CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Flagship



"The paper provides great new insights into how the very intricacies of leaf structure and function can have a planetary scale impact. It provides a potential explanation for why global earth system models cannot fully reproduce the observed atmospheric CO2 growth over the past 100 years and suggests that vegetation might be able to uptake more carbon dioxide in the future than is currently modelled. Having more carbon taken up by plants would slow down climate change but there are many other processes which lay in between this work and the ultimate capacity of terrestrial ecosystems to remove carbon dioxide and store it for long enough to make a difference to atmospheric CO2 trends. Additional research will show the net effect on atmospheric CO2, which undoubtedly, will still fall within the already well-established large uncertainty of future projections of the land carbon sink due to other processes, such as responses to nutrient limitation, fires, and the thawing of permafrost."






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