生命倫理や幹細胞研究などの研究者による分野横断的な研究プロジェクト「ヒンクストングループ」は、9月10日に、ヒト胚のゲノム編集は生命科学の研究を進めていく上で重要であり、基礎研究に限って支持するとの声明を発表しました。ただし、生殖医療への利用は当面規制すべきだとしています。メンバーのDebra Mathews博士は、「ヒト胚のゲノム編集には強い反対意見があるが、研究も議論も止めるべきではない。行政や公衆も交えて潜在的な利益や損失について検討すべきだ」とコメントしています。
本件について、Genetic Expert News Service (GENes) が収集した海外専門家コメントをお送りします。
Dr. G. Steven Martin
Dean of Biological Sciences and Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology, University of California, Berkeley
先だってScienceに掲載された論考(Science, 348: 36-38 [2015])が反映された内容です。市民参加が必要であり、安全性についてもさらなる検証が必要です。技術的、道徳的問題が解決されるまで臨床応用されるべきではありません。
"Broadly speaking, the conclusions of the Hinxton Group mirror and expand upon those reached by Baltimore et al. (Science, 348: 36-38 [2015]): that there needs to be public engagement in the issues and development of mechanisms for oversight; that the technical questions of safety and accuracy need to be addressed by further research; and that no clinical applications should be permitted until the technical, moral and governance issues have been resolved. Notably, however, the group did not reach a consensus either about the creation of embryos specifically for gene-editing research or about what clinical applications might ultimately prove to be permissible."
Dr. Peter Donovan
Director of Sue and Bill Gross Stem Cell Research Center, UC Irvine
"The advances in our ability to edit the human genome have made editing the human germline a possibility within the near future. This possibility brings with it the prospect of developing new ways of treating human diseases but also would have multi-generational effects and raise ethical and moral dilemmas that need discussion within society in general. The Hinxton Group gathered to discuss the problems associated with the prospect of editing human embryos and gametes and, where possible, to inform the much-needed public debate.
"One conclusion reached by the group was that human germline editing for reproductive purposes seemed premature at this time. Another conclusion, however, was that uses of genome editing in human embryos and gametes could provide an important new way of studying human embryonic development and gametogenesis (the mechanism of producing eggs and sperm) and lead to advances in our understanding of the development of our own species and how it all too often goes wrong. Such research, if governed and conducted appropriately, could provide new information for use in in vitro fertilization clinics, new treatments of infertility, improved understanding of embryo implantation failure and of the risks to the embryo during pregnancy.
"Perhaps most importantly the Hinxton Group, as they have in the past, encouraged all stakeholders, members of the lay public, lawmakers and scientists to engage in a debate of all of the issues involved such that appropriate regulatory bodies can act in the interests of society in general without impeding potentially important scientific research."
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