














Prof Masud Husain

Professor of Neurology & Cognitive Sciences, University of Oxford



"While this is a beautiful piece of investigative medicine, we have to keep the findings in context. They concern a rare group of people who sadly developed CJD. They didn't die of Alzheimer's disease and the findings in their brains show only some of the features observed in Alzheimer patients. These results certainly do not provide sufficient evidence to believe Alzheimer's disease is a transmissible illness. The authors argue that the prion (CJD) pathology and the amyloid ('Alzheimer') pathology are effectively independent. In other words, they suggest that the prion transmission did not trigger the deposition of amyloid. Stronger evidence would be required to accept such a proposal. Crucially, a previous analysis of a population of patients who developed CJD in this unfortunate way has not revealed a higher risk of developing Alzheimer's disease."


Prof John Hardy

Professor of Neuroscience, University College London



“Work largely from Germany over the last 5 years has shown that the amyloid pathology of Alzheimer’s disease could be transmitted from mouse to mouse on injection of amyloid.  In the 1980s Creuzfeldt-Jacob (prion) disease was transmitted to a small percentage (~4%) of individuals who were given human brain derived growth factor. They developed this presumably because the injections contained infectious prion protein.  

“This study reported today shows that about half of those patients (that is about 2% of the original cohort) also, unexpectedly, had amyloid pathology in addition to their prion pathology suggesting, perhaps, that the amyloid pathology also infected the injected humans.  We do not know the clinical outcome of the vast majority of those who received the growth factor injections but they did not get prion disease.
“What does this mean?  With the previous mouse data, I think we can be relatively sure that it is possible to transmit amyloid pathology by the injection of human tissues which contain the amyloid of Alzheimer’s disease.  Does it have implications for (for example), blood transfusions: probably not, but this definitely deserves systematic epidemiological investigation.  Does it suggest Alzheimer’s disease is infectious through contact?  Almost certainly not.”

Prof Roger Morris

Professor of Molecular Neurobiology, King’s College London



“Does this Nature paper, from the London labs of John Collinge and Sebastian Brandner, presage a new era in which Alzheimer’s disease changes from being an isolated disease of each individual as they age, to becoming infectious and able to attack everyone, young and old?
“No. This is a landmark paper in providing evidence, for the first time in man, of a mechanism for the propagation of Alzheimer’s disease that we already know exists from experimental studies in mice: the amyloid fibrils formed in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients, if injected into normal brain, infect the host brain.
“The conditions under which Alzheimer’s appears to have been infectiously transferred, as a contaminant of therapies designed to promote growth in children of small stature (human growth hormone) or to repair aspects of brain damage (dura matter grafts), between 1958-85, will never be repeated. The lethal neurodegenerative disease transferred in these patients was Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD). Around 450 patients have died from CJD transferred in these contaminated therapies world-wide. Measures have now been put in place to prevent any further iatrogenic (meaning caused by the physician) transfer of CJD, and they will almost certainly contain Alzheimer’s. 
“Arguably the most important point of this paper is to provide observational evidence in man, adding to the growing weight of experimental evidence in mice, that Alzheimer’s, the most common neurodegenerative disease, shares mechanistic features with CJD. Although CJD is very rare in man (accounting for one death per million of the population), it can be studied more precisely in experimental animals that can Alzheimer’s, enabling the initial causes of neurodegenerative disease to be dissected. This paper will further stimulate research into the common elements of these devastating neurodegenerative diseases, which should in time provide new insights and much needed opportunities for therapeutic development.”






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