














Dr David Clements

Astrophysicist at Imperial College London



“Firstly this is great news for physics – direct detection of gravitational waves is like discovering the Higgs boson – there’s been plentiful evidence for them in the past, but we weren’t able to detect them. Now we have and, as with the Higgs, the physics side of this operation will now look at the detailed properties of gravitational waves, providing better and better tests of General Relativity.

“But the second side of the equation for me, as an astrophysicist, makes this even more important than the discovery of the Higgs, because today marks the day when gravitational wave astronomy starts.  It gives us a whole new tool with which to look at the universe, allowing us to look at some of the most energetic events imaginable – collisions of black holes and neutron stars – in ways that just were not possible before.  We now have a whole new spectrum of radiation with which to study the universe.

“It’s as if we were blind and today eLIGO has opened our eyes.”

Dr Tony Padilla

Royal Society University Research Fellow in the School of Physics & Astronomy, University of Nottingham

私は毎年、大学授業で一般相対性理論を裏付ける3つの事象について説明していますが、来年は4つ目が加わることになります。今回の重力波のソースは2つのブラックホールの衝突だとされています。すごい! ブラックホールは本当に存在していたんです。この宇宙からの新しいシグナルの獲得は、今後も重力や宇宙についての新たな知見をもたらすでしょう。


“Every year I tell my Gravity class about the three classics successes of General Relativity: the perihelion precession of Mercury, light bending and gravitational redshift. Next year, I’ll be adding a fourth: gravitational waves!  Their detection is a stunning triumph for experiment, for theory, and most notably, for Einstein.  And the source of these waves is rumoured to be a merger of two black holes.  Wow!  Just wow!  Black holes really exist.  No more arguments. Looking further ahead we can look forward to a whole new era for astronomy, listening out for these remarkable signals that will teach us so much about the fundamental nature of gravity and the Universe.  It’s almost as if we have grown a new set of ears, and there could be so much to hear!”

Dr Giles Hammond

He led the installation of the fused silica suspensions for aLIGO at the University of Glasgow



“The detection of gravitational waves is a truly international project, requiring coordination and collaboration of over 700 researchers. The UK gravitational wave community has been responsible for designing, installing and characterising the monolithic suspensions in aLIGO. The suspensions are built from fused silica and support the 40kg interferometer mirrors. Their goal is to reduce noise sources due to ground motion and thermal fluctuations, essential to produce the quiet reference frame necessary to detect gravitational waves.”

”To support the 40kg test masses of aLIGO in the quietest possible way, we are continually pushing the boundaries of our technology via fundamental research. This work has direct spin-offs into applied physics and engineering. Some examples include techniques to joint materials for space-based application and high power lasers, in addition to the development of hardware to make precision gravity measurements with sensors similar to those found in everyday mobile phones, but 10,000 times more sensitive”.

Dr Ik Siong Heng, from the University of Glasgow and co-chair of the LSC-Virgo collaborations' Burst analysis group, said: "This fantastic discovery is a reminder of the virtues of exploring the unknown. We can now listen to the symphony of the cosmic orchestra played to us from the darkest, densest regions of the universe and eagerly anticipate the new science that the gravitational wave universe will reveal to us. This magnificent achievement was made possible by an international collaboration of researchers with strong contributions from UK research and leadership."

Professor B S Sathyaprakash

Cardiff University’s School of Physics and Astronomy



“With this phenomenal discovery by Advanced LIGO we have opened a new window to observe violent processes in the Universe, such as merging black holes and neutron stars, supernovae, gamma ray bursts and other cosmic phenomena. At Cardiff we not only model the dynamics of these systems, but exploit these observations to understand the nature of space-time near black holes. We also use the observations to test Einstein's theory of gravity when gravitational fields become inexorably large, and solve riddles of dark matter and dark energy. Our goal is also to motivate the next generation of detectors which will observe these violent processes right out to the edge of the Universe.

“It was nearly 40 years ago I had first heard about black holes in a public talk and it is absolutely incredible that we have today directly detect them. Our students and postdocs over the past 20 years have contributed tremendously to this exciting discovery and I am excited to share this news with all of them wherever they are today.”










Dr Hitoshi Murayama(村山 斉)

Kavli IPMU機構長
Professor of Physics, University of California, Berkeley

Advanced LIGOがブラックホールの合体からくる重力波を検出したと聞いて大変興奮しています。アインシュタインの予言である、時空が震えることができることが確 認されました。しかも鏡がわずか10^-16cm(陽子の大きさの1000分の1)動くという小さな小さなさざ波を捉えたという、技術的にもとんでもない 離れわざです。こうしてみることのできないブラックホールを重力波を使って「聞く」ことができるようになり、天文学の新時代が幕をあけました。これはま た、私たちの仲間が作っているKAGRAにとっても素晴らしいニュースです。KAGRA, LIGO, そしてヨーロッパのVIRGOの組み合わせでこうした現象の場所を特定できるので、すばる望遠鏡を使って光でも対象をフォローすることもできるようになります。これから驚くべき発見が次々とあることを期待します!

Dr Hirosi Ooguri(大栗博司)

Kavli IPMU主任研究員
Director, Walter Burke Institute for Theoretical Physics, California Institute of Technology 
Fred Kavli Professor of Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, California Institute of Technology

アインシュタインが重力波を予言して100周年の記念の年に、LIGOによってブラックホール連星の合体による重力波の直接観測が達成され、宇宙を探求す る新しい窓が開けたことは素晴らしい。強い重力場における一般相対性理論の検証としても重要だ。今後、日本のKAGRAなどとの連携により、重力波天文学 は大きく発展するだろう。LIGOの皆さんに、心からお祝いの言葉を送ります。







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