






アメリカとブラジルの研究チームは、マウスを用いた実験により、ブラジルのジカウイルス(ZIKVBR)が胎盤を通過して小頭症などの先天性な欠損を引き起こすことを確認したと報告しました。同チームは、ウイルス感染により、培養下のヒト脳組織中で細胞死を引き起こしたり、神経組織層を破壊したりすることも確かめたとのことです。論文は12日のNatureに掲載されました。この件につ いて、海外専門家コメントをお送りします。




The Brazilian Zika virus strain causes birth defects in experimental models, Cugola et al., Nature, 2016


Dr Grant Hill-Cawthorne

Medical Virologist and Senior Lecturer in Communicable Disease Epidemiology at the University of Sydney 



"The study by Cugola and colleagues builds upon the growing evidence that Zika virus is able to cross the placenta and cause fetal infections, and that these infections can lead to developmental problems in the growing fetal brain. The authors found that when pregnant mice were infected with the virus, their pups have delayed or reduced growth and their brains display abnormalities that are suggestive of reduced development. The authors also found that Zika virus infection leads to problems in gene expression in the developing mouse brain that are involved in cell death. When repeated with early human brain cells in a petri dish, viral infection also led to significant cell death. Therefore this is a very significant paper that demonstrates a clear association between Zika virus infection and brain cell death, supporting the growing evidence in multiple studies to date and also presenting a model organism in which to test new therapeutics and vaccines."

Associate Professor Jason Mackenzie

the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity and the University of Melbourne 



"Zika virus infection can result in fetal neurological complications exacerbating in microcephaly, something that is unique to this virus. Very little is known how Zika virus replicates and causes disease as research has been lacking in this area. This report has revealed a new approach to investigate the pathological outcomes of Zika infection in innovative experimental models and is the first of its kind and is a tremendous step forward. It has shown the experimental models used can reflect the clinical presentation of Zika infection and thus serve as an excellent basis to understand the disease process and evaluate strategies for prevention. These findings are significant, as while the connection of microcephaly with Zika infection has been generally accepted, there has been a lack of definitive evidence. This study has confirmed this association and now highlights the global concerns with respect to Zika infection in pregnant mothers and strengthens the awareness of Australian travellers that may visit areas with current Zika outbreaks. Research such as this study needs to be supported to drive development in awareness and prevention to new emerging diseases."

Professor Alexander Khromykh

NHMRC Senior Research Fellow and Professor of Molecular Virology at the University of Queensland



"The upcoming study in Nature describes the first mouse model for foetal abnormalities induced by infection of pregnant mums with Zika virus. Although a number of questions remain unanswered in this publication, the presented model may be useful in testing new vaccines and antivirals for preventing foetal abnormalities occurring at alarming rates in the current outbreak of Zika virus infection in the Americas”.






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