






フランスの研究チームは、肺がんの治療に用いられる免疫チェックポイント阻害薬(ICPIs)を難治性エイズに使ったところ、よく効く患者がいたと報告しました。投与後120日間にわたりエイズウイルス(HIV)の顕著な減少が維持されたとのことです。同チームは、ICPIsがCD4細胞内におけるHIVの逆転写を阻害し、さらに細胞死(PD-1)を誘導するT細胞を活性化するのではないかとしたうえで、効き目のなかった患者もおり、まだ不確定要素が残されているとしています。論文は12月1日付のAnnals of Oncologyonline版)に掲載。この件についての海外専門家コメント(原文)をお送りします。



Annals of Oncology

Drastic decrease of the HIV reservoir in a patient treated with nivolumab for lung cancer



Dr Andrew Freedman

Reader in Infectious Diseases & Honorary Consultant Physician, Cardiff University


“The authors report the effect on the 'HIV reservoir' of injections of a monoclonal anti-PD1 antibody, nivolumab, given to a patient with long standing HIV to treat relapsed lung cancer.  The persistence of the latent HIV reservoir in patients with HIV, well controlled on combination antiretroviral therapy (cART), is the reason why such patients currently need to continue lifelong treatment.  There is much interest and ongoing research aimed at purging this reservoir, in order to develop a cure for HIV & thus allow patients to discontinue cART.

“Previous studies in animal models of HIV have suggested that anti-PD1 antibodies might be an effective strategy. The results in this one patient do indeed demonstrate an impressive reduction in the latent HIV reservoir, sustained over a period of 120 days, together with boosting of the patient’s own immune response to the virus.  However, as the authors point out, it is much too early to conclude that such treatment will prove useful in the search for a HIV cure.  The same investigators have published details of a second patient in whom nivolumab showed no such benefit. These two patients were included in a series of 12 patients with HIV and lung cancer given this agent, but results for the other 10 are not yet available.  It is difficult to speculate at this stage why the second patient did not show the same response or indeed whether any of the others responded in the same way.  Differences in the size of the latent reservoir or genetic differences between individuals, affecting their ability to mount immune responses to HIV might be important factors. Much larger studies will be needed to determine whether this treatment will prove safe and effective enough to be used more widely in HIV patients, with or without cancer.  In addition, it is uncertain whether the HIV reservoir would over time re-establish itself once the treatment is stopped.

“Nevertheless, this is a potentially exciting finding and it is possible that nivolumab, most likely in combination with other approaches such as therapeutic vaccines, may have a role in the eventual discovery of a cure for HIV.”


Prof Stephen Evans

Professor of Pharmacoepidemiology, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)


“The caution expressed by the lead author seems balanced. This current case showed a large effect but they’ve had a previous case with no effect.

“We need larger randomised trials to see if this or similar anti-cancer drugs might have a notable effect on the HIV reservoir. Until we have such data talks of “cure” are premature, but it could lead to new approaches in dealing with HIV.”




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