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ネビル・ニコルス教授(Professor Neville Nicholls)

モナーシュ大学地理環境科学研究科, オーストラリア気象海洋学会会長
Australian Research Council Professorial Fellow, Monash University School of Geography & Environmental Science, Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society President



The Queensland floods are caused by what is one of the strongest (if not THE strongest) La Niña events since our records began in the late 19th century (http://www.amos.org.au/news/id/105). Our understanding of the La Niña and its impacts meant that the Bureau of Meteorology, as early as October, was warning of substantially increased chances of above average rain across eastern Australia (http://www.bom.gov.au/climate/ahead/archive/rainfall/20100923.shtml). The La Niña is also associated with record warm sea surface temperatures around Australia and these would have contributed to the heavy rains. The extent to which any of this (the floods, the warm oceans, or the very strong La Niña) is linked to global warming is unknown, because the requisite studies to test this have simply not been done yet

ジェニファー・マッケイ教授(Professor Jennifer McKay)

南オーストラリア大学 比較水政策と法センターディレクター
Director, Centre for Comparative Water Policies and Laws, University of South Australia




*3: 「氾濫原」洪水時に河川からあふれた水で覆われる平原部。


Dams are not the total solution. Brisbane city council and the other upstream councils need to coordinate their land use and development policies to reflect the floodplain. All local councils in Australia do not do this and state governments do not provide leadership in this matter anymore by having a policy restricting development of housing and nursing homes, aged care and hospitals in floodplains. The water plans that the Commonwealth is pushing the states to produce is one way to do this to achieve sustainable development.

ロン・コックス教授(Professor Ron Cox)

豪州・ニューサウスウェールズ大学 土木・環境工学部
University of New South Wales School of Civil and Environmental Engineering






The recent flood events in Queensland are a clear indication of the need for improved planning to adapt future development for our settlements and infrastructure. With expanding settlements, extreme weather resulting in emergency situations can be expected to become more frequent with higher temperatures and climate change.

On the safety of people and vehicles moving through floodwaters:

The combination of velocity and depth at which people and vehicles become unsafe is very low so the only practical advice is that people and vehicles should not enter flowing water of any depth. High velocity flows, even at ankle-depth, can knock a person off their feet and put their lives at risk. Vehicles are less safe than people in floodwaters. Generally a mature adult can walk in flowing water to a certain depth more safely than a vehicle can travel in it. Modern vehicles are so airtight that they float very easily.

ロバート・ジョンソン博士(Dr Robert Johnson)

Australian Veterinary Association spokesperson








All species will be affected. Some (e.g. birds) may be able to escape more easily than others but will be affected once they try to return to their preferred habitat. We expect that semi–aquatic animals such as freshwater turtles and frogs will suffer greatly due to loss of habitat and for freshwater and marine turtles it is the breeding season, so numbers will be profoundly reduced as nests are destroyed. We also expect to see large numbers of drowned wombats and echidnas in burrows – the are the unseen victims here are small land-based animals that make homes in bushes.

Flying foxes – already doing it tough but the rain has washed the nectar off the flowers – expect more orphaned young as their mothers lack the energy to feed them. Flying foxes are more likely to appear in backyards and get caught in fruit tree netting. There is also an increased risk of viral diseases spread by mosquitoes over the coming weeks – such as the arboviruses and pox virus.

Immediate factors affecting animal rescue and care include the availability of carers and communication, the facilities available, the availability of feed and the equipment available. Lack of feed means that young macropods such as kangaroos and wallabies are more likely to die from high parasite loads over the next two months.

Triaging of animals once delivered to carers will include orphaned animals (marsupials, birds) which will need to be hand reared, injured animals, diseases (this will happen later as infections take hold). We are advising rescuers not put their own life (or others) at risk when rescuing an animal. They should take special care when with venomous or aggressive animals, they should also to be aware of the risk of disease especially from things such as bat bites and contact with dirty water.

トニー・ミックマイケル教授(Professor Tony McMichael)

オーストラリア国立大学 国立疫学と人口健康センター
The Australian National University National Centre for Epidemiology & Population Health NHMRC Australia Fellow




There is an increased risk of outbreaks of Ross River virus and dengue infections in post-flood Queensland, particularly in these warm and humid conditions. Mosquito populations will now have much greater breeding opportunities. (Whereas the Ross River virus is endemic in Queensland, outbreaks of dengue require 'seeding' of the virus into the population – usually from a returned overseas traveller.)




















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